PHP Downloading Not Executing

I have found this issue when using a .htaccess file combined with a incorrectly configured handler. I had this handler defined But when I looked (googled) I found I needed to define a type handler which instructed apache to return a particular MIME type.

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Cannot set header. Response already committed

I found this to be happening in alot of the log files. Further investigation I found out that it happens because, part of the response is already sent to the client, including the header information, and then we were trying to manipulate that header information in some some jsp include files. Basically you cannot set/change […]

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Symfony Command Line Quick Reference

Generate Myproject project structure php lib/vendor/symfony/data/bin/symfony generate:project MyProject Generate frontend application called frontend php symfony generate:app frontend Build schema, table SQL and ORM model and insert fixtures into the database php symfony doctrine:build –all –and-load Generate frontend module and call it users for table Users php symfony doctrine:generate-module –with-show –non-verbose-templates frontend users Users

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Doctrine couldn’t find class

I got stuck on this error whilst trying to load my yaml data files in Symfony php symfony doctrine:build –all –and-load and php symfony doctrine:data-load Couldn’t find class PropertyType PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function evictAll() on a non-object in /Users/mjhoman/Sites/property/lib/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Connection.php on line 1239 Fatal error: Call to a member function evictAll() on […]

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Doctype differences

Strict 11 elements removed APPLET, BASEFONT, CENTER, DIR, FONT, IFRAME, ISINDEX, MENU, S, STRIKE, and U. Transitional keeps 11 elements APPLET, BASEFONT, CENTER, DIR, FONT, IFRAME, ISINDEX, MENU, S, STRIKE, and U. Frameset Three (3) elements are added when compared to Strict: FRAME, FRAMESET and NOFRAMES, Also the BODY tag is replaced with the FRAMESET […]

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