Code coverage results reporting 100%

I turned off the debug option on the ant task javac and my code coverage went upto 100%. This is because the debug option is to do with the javac –g option which compiles the code with debugging information such as line numbers etc. My code coverage couldn’t identify any debug information in my class […]

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javac target option and runtime exceptions

When compiling code to another version other than the used javac sdk, you need to also set the -bootclasspath, otherwise you will still end up binging your .class files to the sdk version API classes of your javac. You wont get any issues at compile time, but you could at runtime. To set this up […]

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Self signed certificate not working

Because self signed certificates are not signed by what is known as a Trusted Certificate Authority like Verisign, Java will reject any connection to it .The Java SE comes with a set of Trusted Certificate Authorities which is in $JAVA_HOMEjrelibsecuritycacerts file and you have to add yourself to this if you want it to work […]

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Cannot set header. Response already committed

I found this to be happening in alot of the log files. Further investigation I found out that it happens because, part of the response is already sent to the client, including the header information, and then we were trying to manipulate that header information in some some jsp include files. Basically you cannot set/change […]

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MacBook Pro Keyboard

As a relatively newbie to Macs I wanted one central place for all my MacBook Pro (2010) keyboard findings so here they are. Hash # alt + 3 As much as i love Apple products, i will never understand this one! Copy cmd + c Cut cmd + x Insert / Paste cmd + v […]

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