Prior to subversion-1.4.5 installation the following dependencies must be set up and installed:
- Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 (sles 10)
- Apache 2.2
- Autoconf
- Open ldap dev
- Neon 0.25.5
- neon-0.25.5-7.1.i586.rpm
- neon-devel-0.25.5-7.1.i586.rpm
Download the subversion tar file you require (i.e. subversion-1.4.5.tar.gz) from: [[|Subversion]]
Extract the tar file into /tmp using the following command:
tar –xzvf suibversion-1.4.5.tar.gz
Change to root:
sudo su –
Change to the directory where the tar file was extracted:
Issue each of the following commands:
(NOTE: the make check command takes a while & is not absolutely necessary)
make check
make install